Sustainability Project “Blühendes Gewerbe”: We are part of it!
Developing unused areas in company property as naturally as possible is the aim of a cooperative project in Friesland that was launched in 2022. PKV is also involved – and our contribution is impressive.

With the cooperation project “Blühendes Gewerbe” (Blooming Business), the district of Friesland, the Oldenburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Kreishandwerkerschaft Jade (Jade District Chamber of Crafts) and Mobile Umweltbildung-MOBILUM (Mobile Environmental Education-MOBILUM) have invited businesses in the district of Friesland to develop parts of their company areas naturally this year. The aim of the measures carried out as part of the project is to preserve and promote biodiversity in the district of Friesland. If one adds up the areas of flowering meadows, flowering strips, orchards and natural meadows reported so far, one arrives at a total area of 53,635 m², which is equivalent to seven and a half soccer fields. The project is to be continued and expanded in the coming year. Here you can see the contribution reported by PKV – including both completed projects and measures that are currently being implemented.
Contribution of PKV to the project “Blühendes Gewerbe”:
Flowering meadows approx. 7,000 m².
Flowering/natural meadow with 2 insect hotels approx. 3,000 m²
Natural meadows approx. 16,800 m²
Orchard meadow with 11 apple trees (old varieties)
Fruit trees and natural tree population with natural meadow approx. 4500 m²
Beehives on the premises with a local beekeeper since 2018.
Kestrel box in cooperation with NABU since 2013
Stork nest in cooperation with NABU since 2021