Platinum medal for PKV sustainability
In the globally recognized EcoVadis rating for sustainability performance, PKV was awarded a platinum medal for its activities and progress for the first time – the highest award for the top one percent of all companies assessed.

“We can be really proud of this,” says PKV shareholder Kristian Evers, “and at the same time this award is an incentive for us to continue working intensively on our sustainability management. Our vision is perfectly sustainable packaging material – the medal shows that we are on the right track!”
Since 2007, EcoVadis has analyzed the sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance of more than 100,000 companies from more than 175 countries worldwide. The methodology is based on international sustainability standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact and ISO 26000. Each participating company is assessed on the basis of 21 indicators in four areas: environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. PKV was rated as “outstanding” in the area of the environment, which is particularly concerned with the establishment of and compliance with numerous regulations on high standards of environmental compatibility. The latest edition of the PKV sustainability report was also positively included in the assessment.