PKV donates fruit trees to Varel elementary schools
A sign of biodiversity and sustainable education: PKV is donating twelve fruit trees to Varel’s elementary school. They are a reminder of the importance of natural cycles, can be a topic in lessons – and naturally provide fresh fruit.

Germany has already lost around 75% of its insect biomass in recent decades. However, biodiversity is the basis of many natural cycles. As a waste paper recycling company, PKV therefore repeatedly reminds people of this hugely important sustainability issue with campaigns.
In 2024, PKV donated twelve fruit trees, which will be distributed to all six primary school locations in close coordination with the city of Varel as the school authority. Ten of these have now been planted, with two more to follow in 2025 due to a conversion project at the Langendamm primary school.
PKV’s project partner for the tree donation campaign is the environmental initiative Immerbunt from Oldenburg. With more than 50 successfully implemented biodiversity projects, Immerbunt brings extensive experience to the table, helping to ensure the long-term success of planting projects like this one.
Mayor Gerd-Christian Wagner, Gitta Rohde (Büppel Primary School), Amina Buß (Immerbunt) and Sönke Klug (PKV) inspected the newly planted Boskop, Pinova and Topaz trees at an on-site visit to Büppel Primary School. Mayor Wagner thanked PKV for the donation and emphasized that the protection of biodiversity as a basis for life must also be given high priority in school education.
PKV has already highlighted the importance of biodiversity with campaigns in recent years: For example, by sponsoring more than 4,500 square meters of flowering meadow as a customer campaign or with its ongoing participation in the district-wide “Blühendes Gewerbe” project. Here, PKV maintains and cares for around 10,000 square meters of flowering meadows and 16,800 square meters of natural meadows, a meadow orchard, a kestrel box and a stork’s nest on its own land. PKV areas have also been home to bee colonies belonging to a Varel beekeeper since 2018.