6,000 euros for non-profit projects
From the carnival community to the youth fire department to kindergarten support associations: a donation program for PKV employees has also supported numerous volunteer projects in the region in 2024.

Cohesion and commitment are important professional values at PKV. All the more reason for the company to welcome the fact that many colleagues are also actively involved in good causes in their private lives. In the “PKV Extra” donation program, PKV makes funds available each year to donate to or sponsor everyday projects of associations and groups in which employees themselves are active on a voluntary basis. It is also possible to apply for these grants via an app on the company’s own social intranet, and the allocation is decided by lot. In 2024, with the help of its employees, PKV was able to support a total of 20 everyday projects with a total volume of 6,000 euros, including the following associations:
- BV Bockhorn
- DCC e.V. Deutscher Collie-Club Landesgruppe Bremen/Niedersachsen
- Dorfgemeinschaft Büppel
- Förderverein KiTa-Kindergarten Grabstede/Steinhausen
- Förderverein Waldkindergarten Osterforde
- Freiwillige Feuerwehr Rastede, Kinderfeuerwehr
- HSG Varel
- Jugendfeuerwehr Wardenburg
- Karnevalsgemeinschaft Waterkant
- Kinder und Jugendfarm Nordenham
- Musik,- und Majoretten Corps ” FRISO ” Varel
- Oldtimer-Interessen-Gemeinschaft Varel
- TuS Varel 09
- Schützenverein Jaderberg von 1911
- Schützenverein Marx
- SV Brake
- TuS Frischauf Horsten